Sitting between the eyes of Vidofnir is a hawk named Vedrfolnir (Veðrfölnir, also called Veðrlaufnir). The other inhabitants of Yggdrasil include: the Norn, three elderly wise-women who wove the tapestry which contained the threads of fate for everyone in the universe, 4 stags which ate the bark or foliage of the tree (Duneyrr/Duneyr, Durathror, Dvalin, Dainn/Dain), 4 serpents which assisted Nidhogg in chewing through the root of Yggdrasil (Grafvolluth, Graback, Goin, Moin), Ratatoskr, a squirrel who would run up the trunk of the tree, acting as the messenger for insults between Nidhogg and Vidofnir, the giant eagle perched atop the tree. The proper spelling of Nidhogg is Níðhöggr, which means "malice striker" or "tearer of corpses" in Norse. Nidhogg will survive Ragnarok and feast on all the wicked dead in its aftermath. Nidhogg is fated to finally eat through the entire root at Ragnarok, causing Yggdrasil to collapse.

Nidhogg is located by Hvergelmir ("roaring kettle" source of all cold rivers), one of the three wells/wellsprings located around Yggdrasil, in Nastrond ("dead body hall"), located in the world of Helheim or Niflheim, where it feeds off of corpses to sustain itself. In Norse mythology Nidhogg was a dragon who gnawed on one of the three giant roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree (a giant Ash tree which connected all 9 worlds of Norse cosmogony). Not guaranteed to drop abjurations or Wyrm Beard.Highly resistant to Fire and Ice spells.As with Fafnir, a level 90 character should have little trouble landing most debuffs.Denoted by the wings being raised in the air, as opposed to their normal position at his sides. Noticeable by the usual 2 Hour dust cloud animation, this ability enhances Nidhogg's attack, defense, and magic defense drastically for about 30 seconds. Nidhogg has a "2 Hour" ability that can be used at will.Uses the same TP moves as Fafnir, but be warned, as they are not limited to the alliance who has claim.Spawned by trading Sweet Tea to the ? at (J-7).JA = Detects job abilities WS = Detects weaponskills Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants HP = Detects Low HP M = Detects Magic Sc = Follows by Scent T(S) = True-sight T(H) = True-hearing Neptunal Abjuration: Legs (Up to x2) ( 26.2%)Ī = Aggressive NA = Non-Aggresive L = Links S = Detects by Sight H = Detects by Sound.Martial Abjuration: Body (Up to x2) ( 35.7%).Earthen Abjuration: Body (Up to x2) ( 27.4%).Aquarian Abjuration: Body (Up to x2) ( 27.4%).The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage can be accessed via the Duty Finder. Despite the flowery nature of his verses, he seems content with the epic depiction of your climactic encounter with the dreaded wyrm. Twelve hundred years ago, the Ishgardians and the dragons forged an alliance based upon the example of Hraesvelgr and Saint Shiva. Seemingly revived by your recounting of the battle against Nidhogg, the bard eagerly reaches for his instrument. Only Nidhogg believed there could be no peace between their kinds, viewing mortals as untrustworthy after what happened to Bahamut and Tiamat.

His concerns appeared unfounded for two hundred years, until the Ascians revealed to King Thordan I the source of the dragons' powers lay within their eyes. This led to Thordan killing Nidhogg's sister, Ratatoskr, and he and his knight ate her eyes to obtain their power. A furious Nidhogg slew Thordan, but was defeated by his son Haldrath, who plucked the dragon's eyes from his head. While this would normally kill a dragon, Nidhogg mustered the strength to reach the palace of Zenith and tell his brother, Hraesvelgr, of what had transpired. Nidhogg blamed Hraesvelgr for giving the mortals-if indirectly-the opportunity to slay Ratatoskr, and coerced him into relinquishing one of his eyes to him.

Intending to slaughter those of the Ishgardian bloodlines who remain loyal to their faith, Nidhogg continued to wage his war of vengeance for the next 1000 years, entering periods of deep sleep for portions of the conflict as his kind normally does. The Holy See manipulated history to make Nidhogg appear to have attacked Ishgard unprovoked, claiming Thordan and his twelve knights faced the dragon in a battle that lasted a week that claimed the lives of both the king and six of his men. The story was designed to conceal the Holy See possessing both of Nidhogg's eyes: the right eye buried with Haldrath, while the left is used by the Azure Dragoon, the current being Estinien Wyrmblood. The Ishgardians inherit Ratatoskr's power and mutate into dragon-like creatures when exposed to dragon's blood. Nidhogg awakens and rallies the Dravanian Horde to renew his war on Ishgard with the support of Ysayle whose heretics disable the outermost ward of Daniffen's Collar.